1. Holmes JM, Beck RW, Kip K, Droste PJ, Leske DA, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Predictors of recovery in acute traumatic sixth nerve palsy." ARVO Abstract. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 40 (suppl): S653, 1999.
2. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, Barnhardt CN, Cotter SA. "Amblyopia Treatment Study (ATS): Recruitment underway for NIH-NEI sponsored study." Optometry and Vision Science 1999;76(12S):46.
3. Holmes JM for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Botulinum toxin vs conservative management in acute traumatic sixth nerve palsy." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus.
Toronto, Canada. April 1999.
4. Holmes JM, Repka MX for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Clinical trials in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus." American Association for Certified Orthoptists. Orlando, FL. October 1999.
5. Holmes JM, Birch EE, Repka MX, Saunders RA, Hertle RW, Leske DA, Kip KE, Beck RW. "The amblyopia treatment study visual acuity protocol." ARVO Abstract. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 41: S705, 2000.
6. Moke PS, Beck RW, Holmes JM, Repka MX, Lester LA, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Web based visual acuity training and certification in an amblyopia treatment trial." Control Clin Trials 21:81S, 2000.
7. Gillespie HA, Beck RW, Kraker RT, Carter K, Moke PS, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Centralized patient contacts by the coordinating center to enhance patient retention in a community-based randomized trial." Controlled Clinical Trials 21: 120S, 2000.
8. Holmes JM, Repka MX, Birch EE, Quinn GE, Hertle RW, Saunders RA, Leske DA, Beck RW. "Development of the amblyopia treatment study (ATS) acuity protocol." ICER Abstract. Exp Eye Res 71: S195, 2000.
9. Holmes JM, Beck RW, Kip KE, Leske DA, PEDIG. "Recovery in acute traumatic sixth nerve palsy." In de Faber JT ed. Transactions: 26th meeting, European Strabismological Association.
Swets and Zeitlinger, Lisse, Netherlands. 131-133, 2001.
10. Beck RW, Moke PS, Turpin AH, Holmes JM, Repka MX, Birch EE, Miller JM, Johnson CA. "Measuring visual acuity in children with a PC-based version of the Amblyopia Treatment Study visual acuity testing protocol." ARVO Abstract. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 42:S384, 2001.
11. Shin S, Cotter SA, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Amblyopia Treatment Study 2 (ATS2): Recruitment underway for NIH-NEI sponsored study." Optometry and Vision Science 2001;78(12S):144.
12. Cotter S, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "The clinical profile of moderate amblyopia in children less than seven years of age: Experience of the Amblyopia Treatment Study 1." Optometry and Vision Science 2001;78(12S):145.
13. Holmes JM, Repka MX, Beck RW for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Occlusion versus atropine: The Amblyopia Treatment Study #1; Design and Methods." European Strabismus Association. Florence, Italy. June 2001.
14. Wright K, Kraker R, Beck RW, Holmes, JM, Repka MX, Birch E, Helveston E. "Spontaneous resolution of early-onset esotropia: Experience of the congenital esotropia observational study." American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting. November 2001.
15. Susan M. Shin, O.D., Susan A. Cotter, O.D and Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Amblyopia Treatment Study 2 (ATS2): Recruitment Underway for NIH-NEI Sponsored Study." American Academy of Optometry Meeting.
Philadelphia, PA. December 2001.
16. Chu R, Cotter SA, Kang F, Tran K, Beck RW, Chandler DL, Moke PS, Holmes JM, Rice ML, Hertle RW, Birch EE. "The electronic ETDRS testing protocol: reliability in 7-12 year old children." Optometry and Vision Science 2002;79(12S):232.
17. Holmes JM, Repka MX, Beck RW. "Occlusion versus atropine: the amblyopia treatment study #1 design and methods." Transactions of the 27th meeting, European Strabismological Association. Swets and Zeitlnger, Lisse, Netherlands. 9-12, 2002.
18. Repka MX, Holmes JM. "Amblyopia Treatment Study #1: Design and Six-month Outcome." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 28th Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. March 2002.
19. Cotter SA for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "A Randomized Trial of Atropine Versus Patching for Treatment of Moderate Amblyopia in Children." Poster presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Optometric Association. New Orleans, LA. June 2002.
20. Cotter S, Repka M. "Amblyopia Treatment Study 1 (ATS1) results: Atropine versus patching for the treatment of moderate amblyopia in young children." Ellerbrock Continuing Education. American Academy of Optometry Meeting.
San Diego, CA. December 2002.
21. Cotter SA for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "ATS1: A randomized trial of atropine versus patching for the treatment of moderate amblyopia - subgroup analyses." Binocular Vision, Perception, & Pediatric Optometry Symposium: Current Concepts in Amblyopia. American Academy of Optometry Meeting. San Diego, CA. December 2002.
22. Scheiman MM. "Amblyopia Treatment Study 3-Pilot Study: A Pilot Study to Evaluate the Treatment of Amblyopia in Children 10 to 17 Years Old." Binocular Vision and Perception Symposium on Amblyopia Treatment. American Academy of Optometry Meeting. San Diego, CA. December 2002.
23. Holmes JM, Gillespie HA, Boyle NM, Lawson A, Beck RW, and Repka MX. "Tracking patients by a coordinating center enhances patient retention in multi-center community based trials." Controlled Clinical Trials 2003; 24(3S):117S-118S.
24. Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Repka MX, Beck RW, for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Recurrence of Amblyopia after discontinuation of treatment." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 30th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. March 2004.
25. Repka MX, Holmes JM, Birch EE, Cotter SA, Hertle RW, Quinn GE, Scheiman MM, Wallace DK, for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Amblyopia Treatment Studies." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 30th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. March 2004.
26. Wallace DK, Chandler DL, Beck RW. "Treatment of bilateral amblyopia in children 3-9 years old." Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. May 2007.
27. Repka MX, PEDIG. "Outcomes of Amblyopia Therapy Following a Randomized Clinical Trial of Patching versus Atropine at Age 10 years." European Strabismological Association 2007 Abstract.
28. Holmes JM. "Response of anisometropic amblyopia to therapy in clinical trials." Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. May 2007.
29. Holmes JM. "Amblyopia treatment in patients with nystagmus." Nordic Strabismological Association 2007
30. Holmes JM. "Anisometropic and strabismic amblyopia. Same or different?" British Isles Strabismological Association 2007
31. Christiansen SP. "Alignment instability in infantile esotropia." Poster presented at American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 34th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 2008.
32. Holmes JM. "Alignment instability in acquired esotropia." Poster presented at American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 34th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. April 2008.
33. Repka MX. "Left eye predominance in Amblyopia." Poster presented at Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, FL. April 2008.
34. Holmes JM. "Defining Stability and Instability in Esotropia." Poster presented at Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, FL. April 2008.
35. Strauber SF, Melia BM. "Meta-analysis as a tool for detecting interaction." Poster presented at Society for Clinical Trials 29th Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. May 2008.
36. Melia BM. "Interim monitoring for futility based on a surrogate outcome." Poster presented at Society for Clinical Trials 29th Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MO. May 2008.
37. Gillespie HA. "Site Report Card." Poster presented at Society for Clinical Trials 29th Annual Meeting.
St. Louis, MO. May 2008.
38. Cotter SA. "Weekend Atropine Treatment for Severe Amblyopia in 3 to <7 Year-Old Children." American Academy of Optometry Meeting. Anaheim, CA. October 2008.
39. Manny R. "Lag of Accommodation by Autorefraction and Two Dynamic Retinoscopy Methods." American Academy of Optometry Meeting. Anaheim, CA. October 2008.
40. Repka MX. "Treatment of Severe Amblyopia with Atropine: Results from Two Randomized Clinical Trials." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 35th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. April 2009.
41. Christiansen S. "Postoperative Motor Outcomes According to Preoperative Alignment Stability in Children with Esotropia." Poster presented at American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 35th Annual Meeting.
San Francisco, CA. April 2009.
42. Quinn G. "Amblyopia Outcomes: How does one define success in amblyopia treatment?" Poster presented at Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. May 2009.
43. Repka MX. "Treatment of Severe Amblyopia with Atropine: Results from Two Randomized Clinical Trials." Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. May 2009.
44. Hertle RW. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Patching to Atropine for Amblyopia in Children 7 to < 13 Years Old."American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting, Archives of Ophthalmology Editors Choice Symposium.
San Francisco, CA. October 2009.
45. Quinn GE, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Bangerter Filters and Patching for the Treatment of Moderate Amblyopia in Children." American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting.
San Francisco, CA. October 2009.
46. Rutstein RP, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Bangerter Filters and Patching for the Treatment of Moderate Amblyopia in Children." American Academy of Optometry Meeting.
Orlando, FL. November 2009.
47. Huang K, Cotter S, Lazar E, Melia M. "The Clinical Profile of Amblyopia in Children 7 to <18 Years Old." Poster presented at American Academy of Optometry Meeting. Orlando, FL. November 2009.
48. Kulp MT, Wallace D, Lazar E, Hopkins K. "Stereoacuity in children with anisometropic amblyopia." Poster presented at American Academy of Optometry Meeting. Orlando, FL. November 2009.
49. Repka M. "A Pilot Study of Levodopa as Treatment for Residual Amblyopia in Children 8 to 17 Years Old." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 36th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. April 2010.
50. Wallace D. "A Randomized Trial to Evaluate Combined Patching and Atropine for Residual Amblyopia." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 36th Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL. April 2010.
51. Holmes JM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "The Effect of Age on Response to Amblyopia Treatment." Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. May 2010
52. Kulp MT. "Stereoacuity In Children With Anisometropic Amblyopia." Poster presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology annual meeting. Ft Lauderdale, FL. May 2010
53. Holmes JM Repka MX. "Amblyopia 2010." Presented at the International Strabismus Association Meeting.
Istanbul Turkey Sept 25, 2010
54. Repka MX. "Laterality of Amblyopia." Presented at the International Strabismus Association Meeting.
Istanbul Turkey Sept 24, 2010
55. Gwiazda J, Kulp MT, Miller J, Norton TT, Marsh-Tootle W. "Management of refractive error in children." Symposium presented at the American Academy of Optometry annual meeting. Orlando, FL. November 2010.
56. Holmes JM, Repka MX, Wallace DK. "Amblyopia Treatment Today and Tomorrow." Presented at the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus in San Diego, CA. April 2011.
57. Bradfield Y. "Central Corneal Thickness in Children." Presented at the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus annual meeting in San Diego, CA. April 2011.
58. Christoff A. "Distance versus Near Acuity in Amblyopia." Presented at the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus annual meeting in San Diego, CA. April 2011.
59. Cotter SA. "Optical Treatment of Strabismic and Combined Strabismic-Anisometropic Amblyopia." Presented at the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology annual meeting in Fort Lauderdale, FL. May 2011.
60. Repka MX. "Near Compared with Distance Visual Acuity in Amblyopic Eyes." Presented at the European Strabismological Association annual meeting in Helsinki, Finland. May 2011.
61. Holmes JM. "Effect of Age on Response to Amblyopia Treatment in Children." Presented at the Editors' Choice Symposium at the American Academy of Ophthalmology in Orlando, FL. October 2011.
62. Repka MX for Bradfield YB. "Central Cornea Thickness Study." Presented at the Best of the Anterior Segment Symposium at the American Academy of Ophthalmology in Orlando, FL. October 2011.
63. Repka MX. "Lessons about Amblyopia from Clinical Trials." University of California, Los Angeles in
Los Angeles, CA. January 2012.
64. Repka MX. "Atropine for Amblyopia: Lessons from PEGIG Trials." World Ophthalmology Congress,
Abu Dhabi, UAE, February 2012.
65. Petersen, DB, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Resolution of Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction With Nonsurgical Management in Infants 6 to <10 Months Old." Presented at the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus annual meeting in San Antonio, TX. March 2012.
66. Lee KA, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Cost-Effectiveness of Immediate Office Probing versus Observation with Deferred Facility Probing for Unilateral Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction." Presented at the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus annual meeting in
San Antonio, TX. March 2012.
67. Chandler DL, Melia BM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Study design issues in a randomized trial comparing the cost-effectiveness of immediate treatment vs. observation/deferred treatment approaches." To be presented at the Society for Clinical Trials Annual Meeting in Miami, FL. May 2012.
68. Foster NC, Melia BM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Methods for calculating variability of the incremental cost effectiveness ratio in cost-effectiveness studies." To be presented at the Society for Clinical Trials Annual Meeting in Miami, FL. May 2012.
69. Leske DA, Holmes JM, Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Evaluation of the Intermittent Exotropia Questionnaire (IXTQ) Using Rasch Analysis." ARVO Annual Meeting in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. May 2012.
70. Christoff A., for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Near Compared with Distance Visual Acuity in Amblyopic Eyes." XXII Meeting of the International Orthoptic Association (IOA) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. June 2012.
71. Wallace DK, Lazar EL, Suh DW, Roberts JT, Repka MX, Petersen DB, Lorenzana IJ, Kraker RT, Holmes JM, Cotter SA, Clarke MP, Chen AM, Beck RW, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial of Increased Patching for Amblyopia." AAPOS Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. April 2013.
72. Chandler DL, Melia M, Leske DA, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, on behalf of PEDIG. "Development of a Parent Informational Video to Aid Recruitment in a Pediatric Surgical Randomized Trial." Society of Clinical Trials Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. May 2013.
73. Wallace DK, Lazar EL, Hoover DL, Tamkins SM, on behalf of PEDIG. "Time Course and Predictors of Amblyopia Improvement with 2 Hours of Daily Patching." ARVO Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. May 2013.
74. Repka MX, on behalf of PEDIG. "Amblyopia Treatment Study 1: Long-term Follow-up Results at 15 Years of Age." European Strabismus Association Annual Meeting in Marseille, France. September 2013.
75. Cotter SA, Mohney BG, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Part-time Patching with Observation for Children with Intermittent Exotropia." American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. October 2013.
76. Barnhardt CN, Repka MX, Kraker RT, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial of Atropine versus Patching for Treatment of Moderate Amblyopia: Follow-up at 15 Years of Age." American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. October 2013.
77. Mohney BG, Cotter SA, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Part-time Patching with Observation for Children with Intermittent Exotropia." American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. November 2013.
78. Cotter SA, on behalf of PEDIG. "Lessons Learned from the Amblyopia Treatment Studies." Optical Society of America Meeting in Houston, TX October 2013.
79. "What a Research Network Teaches about Amblyopia Therapy." British Isles Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Association, October 2013.
80. Wallace DK, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial of Increased Patching for Amblyopia." Annual Meeting of the American Association of Certified Orthoptists in New Orleans, LA. November 2013.
81. Wallace DK, Lazar EL, Repka MX, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Hoover DL, Waters AL, Rice ML, Peter RJ, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial of Adding a Plano Lens to Atropine for Treatment of Residual Amblyopia." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting in Rancho Mirage, CA. April 2014
82. Mohney BG, Cotter SA, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, on behalf of PEDIG. "The Effect of Part-time Patching on Near Stereoacuity, Control, and Angle in Childhood Intermittent Exotropia." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting in Rancho Mirage, CA. April 2014
83. Repka MX, Kraker RT, Holmes JM, Summers AI, Glaser SR, Barnhardt, Tien DR, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial of Atropine versus Patching for Treatment of Moderate Amblyopia: Follow-up at 15 Years of Age." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting in Rancho Mirage, CA. April 2014
84. Repka MX, Dean TW, Lazar EL, Freedman SF, Hug D, Lenhart P, Rahmani B, Wang SX, Yen KG, Kraker RT, on behalf of PEDIG. "Pediatric Cataract Surgery: Baseline Characteristics of a North American Pediatric Eye Disease Registry." Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. May 2014
85. Holmes JM, Leske DA, Chandler DL, on behalf of PEDIG. "Effect of Patching Versus Observation on Intermittent Exotropia-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and their Parents." Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. May 2014
86. Wallace DK, Repka MX, Cotter SA, Lee KA, Crouch ER III, Holmes JM, on behalf of PEDIG. "PEDIG Studies." Interactive International Web Symposium hosted by American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. August 23, 2014.
87. Repka MX. "New Medical Treatment Modalities for Amblyopia." Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. October 2014
88. Repka MX, Dean TW, Lazar EL, Freedman SF, Hug D, Lenhart P, Rahmani B, Wang SX, Yen KG, Kraker RT, on behalf of PEDIG. "Pediatric Cataract Surgery: Baseline Characteristics of a North American Pediatric Eye Disease Registry." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA. March 2015
89. Christiansen SP, Chandler DL, Lee KA, Superstein R, De Alba Campomanes AG, Bothun ED, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, on behalf of PEDIG. "Complications of Botulinum Toxin-A for Treatment of Esotropia in Children." Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. May 2015
90. Suh DW, Kulp MT, Dean TW, Kraker RT, Erzurum SA, Wallace DK, Pang Y, Shea CJ, Avallone JM, on behalf of PEDIG. "The Clinical Profile of Moderate Hyperopia in Children Three to Five Years of Age." Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. May 2015
91. Repka MX, Wallace DK, Lazar EL, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Hoover DL, Peters R, Langford A, Rice M, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial of Adding a Plano Lens to Atropine for Amblyopia." 37th meeting, European Strabismological Association in Venice, Italy. October 2015.
92. Scheiman MM, Hoover DL, Lazar EL, Cotter SA, Kraker RT, Wallace DK, Lorenzana IJ, Kulp MT, Rudaitis IM, Gallaway MF, Jenewein EC, on behalf of PEDIG. "Home-Based Therapy for Symptomatic Convergence Insufficiency in Children Age 9 to <18 Years: A Randomized Clinical Trial." American Academy of Optometry Meeting in
New Orleans, LA. October 2015.
93. Chen AM, Holmes JM, Chandler DL, Patel RA, Gray ME, Jensen AA, Erzurum SA, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, on behalf of PEDIG. "A pilot randomized clinical trial of overminus spectacles versus observation in children with intermittent exotropia Primary." American Academy of Optometry Meeting in New Orleans, LA. October 2015.
94. Pineles S, Liu G, Waldman A, Lazar E, Kupersmith M, Repka M, for PEDIG and NORDIC. "Pediatric Optic Neuritis Prospective Outcomes Study." North American NeuroOphthalmology Society Meeting, Tucson, AZ. February 2016.
95. Holmes JM, Chen AM, Chandler DL, Patel RA, Gray ME, Jensen AA, Erzurum SA, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, on behalf of PEDIG. "A pilot randomized trial of overminus spectacles versus observation in children with intermittent exotropia." American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus in Vancouver, Canada. April 2016.
96. Cotter SA, Mohney BG, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Petersen DA, Kraker RT, and Wallace DK, for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Natural History of Childhood Intermittent Exotropia Over a 3-year Period." Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA. May 2016
97. Kraker RT, for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Are Less Active Sites More Likely to Deviate from Study Protocol and Procedures?" Society for Clinical Trials Meeting in Montreal, Canada. May 2016.
98. Cotter SA, Mohney B, Chandler D, Holmes J, Wallace D, Crouch E, Kraker R, Superstein R, Paysse E for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Development of Constant Exotropia Over 3 Years in Children 12 to 35 Month Old with Untreated IXT." Optometry and Vision Science 2016; 93: E-abstract 160026. American Academy of Optometry Meeting in Anaheim, CA. November 2016.
99. Mahn VM, on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Study of Binocular Computer Activities for Treatment of Amblyopia." American Academy of Optometry Meeting in Anaheim, CA. November 2016.
100. Holmes JM, for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "A Randomized Trial of a Binocular iPad Game Versus Part-Time Patching in Children 5 to 12 Years of Age with Amblyopia." AAPOS–SPOSI Joint Meeting, Jaipur, India. December 2016.
101. Repka MX, for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Cataract Surgery in Children from Birth to Less than 13 Years of Age: Baseline Characteristics of a North American Registry." AAPOS–SPOSI Joint Meeting, Jaipur, India. December 2016.
102. Donahue SP, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, Miller AM, Paysse EA, Petersen DB, Arthur BW, on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Bilateral Lateral Rectus Recession versus Unilateral Recess-Resect for Basic Type Intermittent Exotropia." AAPOS 43rd Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 2-6, 2017.
103. Wallace DK, Kraker RT, Freedman SF, et al, on behalf of PEDIG. "Phase 1 Dose-Finding Study of Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity." AAPOS 43rd Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 2-6, 2017.
104. Repka MX, Dean TW, Kraker RT, Wallace DK, Bothun ED, Erin Stahl ED, Lambert SR, Morrison DG, on behalf of PEDIG. "Cataract Surgery in Children: Visual Acuity and Refractive Error Outcomes One Year after Surgery." AAPOS 43rd Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, April 2-6, 2017.
105. Repka MX, Dean TW, Kraker RT, Wallace DK, Bothun ED, Erin Stahl ED, Lambert SR, Morrison DG, on behalf of PEDIG. "PEDIG Lensectomy Registry: Rates of Amblyopia Treatment, Glaucoma and Other Complications One Year after Surgery." ARVO Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.
106. Manh, VM, Holmes, JM, Lazar, EL, Kraker, RT, Wallace DK, Kulp, MT, Galvin, JA, Shah, BK, Davis, PL, on behalf of PEDIG "A Randomized Trial of a Binocular iPad Game Versus Part-Time Patching In Children 13 To 16 Years Of Age With Amblyopia." ARVO Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, May 7-11, 2017.
107. Cotter SA. "The Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group; A Clinical Research Network." Presentation at the Queensland Collaborative Vision Research Symposium, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) & Queensland Eye Institute, Brisbane, Australia, June 27, 2017
108. Wallace DK, Hubbard GB, McGregor M, Jordan CO, Mantagos IS, Bell EF, for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "A phase 1 dosing study of bevacizumab for ROP: plasma sVEGF levels and 6-month outcomes." ROP World Congress Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, Aug 31-Sep 2, 2017.
109. Repka MX, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Donahue SP, Phillips PH, Stout AU, for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "The Relationship of Age (and Other Factors) to Outcome of Primary Strabismus Surgery for Intermittent Exotropia in IXT1." ESA/AAPOS Joint Meeting, Porto, Portugal, Sep 13-16, 2017.
110. Mohney BG for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Natural History of Childhood Intermittent Exotropia Over a 3-year Period." ESA/AAPOS Joint Meeting, Porto, Portugal, Sep 13-16, 2017.
111. Holmes JM. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Randomized Trial Comparing Bilateral Lateral Rectus Recession versus Unilateral Recess-Resect for Basic Type Intermittent Exotropia." ESA/AAPOS Joint Meeting,
Porto, Portugal, Sep 13-16, 2017.
112. Holmes JM. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Surgery for Exotropia." CAPOS/AAPOS Joint Meeting,
Shanghai, China, Oct 14, 2017.
113. Chen AM, Cotter SA, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Donahue SP, on behalf of PEDIG. "A Randomized Trial Comparing Bilateral Lateral Rectus Recession versus Unilateral Recess-Resect for Basic Type Intermittent Exotropia." American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Chicago, IL October 11-14, 2017.
114. Cotter SA. "Teamwork: Optometry’s Role in an Integrated Healthcare Environment. The Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group." Presentation at the Merton C Flom Leadership Insight Program American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Chicago, IL October 11-14, 2017.
115. Cotter SA. "Amblyopia & IXT: What Have We Learned from PEDIG Studies?" Presentation at the Ezell Fellows Present Symposium. Managing the Consequences of Abnormal Visual Development. American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Chicago, IL October 11-14, 2017.
116. Crouch ER, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, Repka MX, Collinge JE, Gray ME, Steinkuller PG, Bremer DL,. Smith HA, on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "A Phase 1 Dosing Study of Bevacizumab for ROP: 12-month Ocular Outcomes." ISA/AAPOS Joint Meeting and 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Mar 18-22, 2018.
(Oral Presentation)
117. Freedman SF, Repka MX, Kraker RT, Wallace DK, de Alba Campomanes AG, Yanovitch TL, Orge FH, Gearinger MD, Dean TW, on behalf of PEDIG. "Risk of Developing a Glaucoma-Related Adverse Event Within 18 Months After Pediatric Cataract Surgery." ISA/AAPOS Joint Meeting and 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Mar 18-22, 2018. (Oral Presentation)
118. Wu R, Manny RE, Melia BM, Lazar EL, Holmes JM, Birch EE, Cotter SA, Kraker RT, Wallace DK. "Classifying No Improvement in Visual Acuity in Children with Amblyopia Using Simulations." ARVO Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, April 29-May 3, 2018. (Poster Presentation)
119. Liu D, Dean T, Glassman A, Kraker R, Melia M, on behalf of the Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network and the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Modeling Correlated Ocular Outcomes when Both Eyes from Some but Not All Participants are Enrolled." Society for Clinical Trials Meeting in Portland, Oregon. May 2018. (Poster Presentation)
120. Wu R, Manny RE, Melia BM, Lazar EL, Holmes JM, Birch EE, Cotter SA, Kraker RT, Wallace DK. "Classifying No Improvement in Visual Acuity in Children with Amblyopia Using Simulations." Society of Clinical Trials Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, May 21-May 23, 2018. (Poster Presentation)
121. Suh, DW. "Glasses for hyperopia." American Academy of Ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthalmology Subspecialty Day, Chicago, IL. October 27, 2018.
122. Freedman, SF. "Low Dose Avastin for ROP." American Academy of Ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthalmology Subspecialty Day, Chicago, IL. October 27, 2018.
123. Morse, C. for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group, "Natural History of Childhood Intermittent Exotropia." American Academy of Ophthalmology Meeting, October 27, 2018.
124. Verderber, LC. "Binocular Treatment for Amblyopia." American Academy of Ophthalmology Pediatric Ophthalmology Subspecialty Day, Chicago, IL. October 27, 2018.
125. Manny, R, "Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, and Where We’re Going." Binocular Vision, Perception and Pediatric Optometry Section and Vision Science SIG Symposium; Lasker / IRRF Amblyopia Initiative, American Academy of Optometry Meeting, San Antonio, TX. November 7, 2018 (Oral Presentation)
126. Kulp M, Suh D. "Hyperopia Treatment Study 1 (HTS1): Immediate vs Delayed Spectacle Treatment for Moderate Hyperopia in Children 1 to < 3years of Age." American Academy of Optometry, San Antonio, TX. (Oral Presentation)
127. Pineles SL, Repka MX, Liu GT, Lazar EL, Waldman AT, Borchert MS, Khanna S, Heidary G, Graves JS, Shah VS, Kupersmith MJ, Kraker RT, Wallace DK. “A Prospective Outcomes Study of Pediatric Optic Neuritis.” North American Neuro Ophthalmology Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV. March 18, 2019. (Oral presentation)
128. Repka MX, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Donahue SP, Phillips PH, Stout AU, on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “The Relationship of Age and Other Baseline Factors to Outcome of Initial Surgery for Intermittent Exotropia.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 27-31, 2019. (Poster Presentation)
129. Crouch ER, Dean TW, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Miller AM, Kraus C, Gunton KB, Repka MX, Marsh JD, Del Monte MA, Luke PA, Peragallo JH, Wallace DK on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Prospective Observational Study of Adult Divergence Insufficiency Esotropia.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 30, 2019. (Oral presentation)
130. Lorenzana IJ, Lazar EL, Cotter SA, Erzurum SA, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Crouch ER, Esposito CA, Jenewein EC, Pang Y, Retnasothie DV, Wallace DK, on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Prospective Observational Study of Adult Convergence Insufficiency.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 28, 2019. (Poster Presentation)
131. Lee KT, Dean TW, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, Holmes JM, Aldrich AE, Beal CJ, Crouch ER, Dagi LR, Daley TJ, Wheeler MB, on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Group. “A Prospective Observational Study of Adult Small-Angle Hypertropia” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 30, 2019. (Poster Presentation)
132. Pineles SL, Repka MX, Lazar EL, Liu GT, Waldman AT, Borchert MS, Khanna S, Heidary G, Graves JS, Shah VS, Kupersmith MJ, Kraker RT, Wallace DK on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Prospective Outcomes Study of Pediatric Optic Neuritis.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 27-31, 2019. (Oral Presentation)
133. Repka, MX for the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Cataract Surgery in Children from Birth to Less than 13 Years of Age in the PEDIG Registry: Status Three Years Following Surgery.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. March 30, 2019. (Helveston Lecture Presentation)
134. Luke PA, Dean TW, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Crouch ER, Miller AM, Kraus C, Gunton KB, Repka MX, Marsh JD, Del Monte MA, Peragallo JH, Wallace DK, on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Prospective Observational Study of Adult Divergence Insufficiency Esotropia.” College of Optometrists in Vision Development Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. April 12, 2019. (Poster Presentation)
135. Lorenzana IJ, Lazar EL, Cotter SA, Erzurum SA, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Crouch ER, Esposito CA, Jenewein EC, Pang Y, Retnasothie DV, Wallace DK, on behalf of PEDIG. “A Prospective Observational Study of Adult Convergence Insufficiency.” College of Optometrists in Vision Development Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. April 12, 2019. (Poster Presentation)
136. Aldrich AE, Dean TW, Wallace DK, Kraker RT, Holmes JM, Beal CJ, Crouch ER, Dagi LR, Daley TJ, Lee KA, Wheeler MB on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Prospective Observational Study of Adult Small-Angle Hypertropia.” College of Optometrists in Vision Development Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. April 13, 2019. (Oral Presentation)
137. Kulp MT, Holmes JM, Dean TW, Suh DW, Kraker RT, Wallace DK, Petersen DB, Cotter SA, Crouch ER, Lorenzana IJ, Ticho BH, Verderber LC, Weise KK, on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Immediate versus Delayed Spectacle Treatment for Moderate Hyperopia in Children 3 to <6 Years of Age.” Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, CA. April 28- May 2, 2019. (Poster Presentation)
138. Wallace DK, Hercinovic A, Freedman SF, Crouch ER, Bhatt AR, Hartnett ME, Rogers DL, Hutchinson AK, Adams-Chapman I, Yang MB, Kraker RT, Holmes JM, Cotter SA on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Phase 1 Dosing Study of Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity: 24-month Ocular and Neurological Outcomes”. Advances in Pediatric Retina Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. June 14, 2019. (Oral presentation)
139. Kraker RT behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Ocular and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes 2 Years After Very Low-Dose Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Orlando, Florida. October 24, 2019. (Press Conference Oral Presentation)
140. Cotter SA, Wallace DK, Hercinovic A, Freedman SF, Crouch ER, Bhatt AR, Hartnett ME, Rogers DL, Hutchinson AK, Adams-Chapman I, Yang MB, Kraker RT, Holmes JM on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Phase 1 Dosing Study of Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity: 24-month Ocular & Neurological Outcomes.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Orlando, Florida. October 24, 2019. (Oral Presentation)
141. Wallace DK, Hercinovic A, Freedman SF, Crouch ER, Bhatt AR, Hartnett ME, Rogers DL, Hutchinson AK, Adams-Chapman I, Yang MB, Kraker RT, Holmes JM on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Ocular and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes 2 Years After Very Low-Dose Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus/Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists/Asia-Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Society Meeting, Sydney, Australia. November 7-12, 2019 (Oral Presentation)
142. Cotter, SA on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Amblyopia Treatment Studies: A Current Perspective.” 4th Xiaoxiang International Ophthalmology Forum, On-line webinar. September 12, 2020. (Oral Presentation)
143. Chen AM, Erzurum SA, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Cotter SA, Hercinovic A, Kong L, Kraker RT, Marsh JD, Martinson SR, Melia BM, Shah BK, Suh DW, Titelbaum JR, Vricella M on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Randomized Trial Evaluating On- and Off-Treatment Effectiveness of Overminus Spectacles in Children 3 to 10 Years of Age with Intermittent Exotropia.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Virtual- At Home. October 15, 2020. (Oral Presentation)
144. Chen AM, Erzurum SA, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Cotter SA, Hercinovic A, Kong L, Kraker RT, Marsh JD, Martinson SR, Melia BM, Shah BK, Suh DW, Titelbaum JR, Vricella M on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Randomized Trial Evaluating Effectiveness of Overminus Spectacles in Children 3 to 10 Years of Age with Intermittent Exotropia.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Virtual- At Home. October 7-22, 2020. (Poster Presentation)
145. Erzurum SA, Chen AM, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Cotter SA, Hercinovic A, Kraker RT, Melia BM, Gray ME, Miller AM, Bodack MI, Rahmani B, Erickson JW, Holtorf HL, Bhatt AR on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Change in Refractive Error with Overminus Spectacle Treatment in Children 3 to 10 Years of Age with Intermittent Exotropia.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Virtual- At Home. October 15, 2020. (Oral Presentation)
146. Erzurum SA, Chen AM, Chandler DL, Holmes JM, Cotter SA, Hercinovic A, Kraker RT, Melia BM, Gray ME, Miller AM, Bodack MI, Rahmani B, Erickson JW, Holtorf HL, Bhatt AR on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Change in Refractive Error with Overminus Spectacle Treatment in Children 3 to 10 Years of Age with Intermittent Exotropia.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Virtual- At Home. October 7-22, 2020. (Poster Presentation)
147. Erzurum, SA on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Change in Refractive Error with Overminus Spectacle Treatment in Children 3 to 10 Years of Age with Intermittent Exotropia.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Virtual- At Home. October 7, 2020. (Press Conference Oral Presentation)
148. Manny RE, Holmes JM, Kraker RT, Li Z, Melia BM, Birch EB, Kelly K, Kong L, Crouch ER, Lorenzana IJ, Alkharashi MS, Galvin JA, Rice ML, Waters AL, Cotter SA on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Randomized Controlled Trial of Binocular Treatment for Amblyopia in 4-6 Year-olds.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Virtual- At Home. October 7, 2020. (Oral Presentation)
149. Morrison DG, Summers AI, Chandler DL, Henderson RJ, Allen M, Bitner DP, Chen AM, Cotter SA, Kraker RT, Kurup SP, Leske DA, Melia BM, Holmes JM on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Base-in prism treatment for childhood intermittent exotropia.” American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, November 13-15, 2020. (Oral Presentation)
150. Holmes JM, Manny RE, Kraker RT, Li Z, Melia BM, Birch EB, Kelly K, Kong L, Crouch ER, Lorenzana IJ, Alkharashi MS, Galvin JA, Rice ML, Waters AL, Cotter SA on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Randomized Controlled Trial of Binocular Treatment for Amblyopia in 4-6 Year-olds.” American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, November 13-15, 2020. (Poster Presentation)
151. Repka, MX on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Cataract Surgery in Children from Birth to Less than 13 Years of Age in the PEDIG Registry: Status Five Years Following Surgery.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, April 9, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
152. Wallace, DK on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Effectiveness of Very Low-Dose Intravitreous Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting,April 11, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
153. Pineles, SL on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Two-Year Follow-Up of the Prospective Outcomes Study of Pediatric Optic Neuritis.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, April 9, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
154. Chen, AM on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Randomized Trial Evaluating Effectiveness of Overminus Spectacles in Children 3 to 10 Years of Age with Intermittent Exotropia.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, April 10, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
155. Pineles, SL on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Two-Year Follow-Up of the Prospective Outcomes Study of Pediatric Optic Neuritis.” NANOS Annual Meeting,Virtual Meeting, February 22, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
156. Holmes, JM on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Rasch calibrated Symptom Questionnaire for Childhood IXT.” Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting, May 3, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
157. Cotter SA. “A Randomized Trial Evaluating the Effectiveness of Overminus Spectacles in Children 3 to 10 Years of Age with Intermittent Exotropia.” Third International Symposium on Optometry &Vision Science, Chengdu, China, October 28, 2021. (Oral presentation presented virtually)
158. Summers, AI on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Pilot Randomized Trial of Relieving Base-in Prism Spectacles for Children with Intermittent Exotropia.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. November 4, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
159. Hatt, SR on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Testing depth of suppression in childhood intermittent exotropia.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. November 5, 2021. (Poster Presentation)
160. Cheung, NL on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Low- and Very Low-Dose Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity: Recurrences, Additional Treatments, and 12-Month Outcomes.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. November 5, 2021.(Oral Presentation)
161. Erickson, JW on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Parent-Provided Photographs as an Outcome Measure for Childhood Chalazia.” American Academy of Optometry Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. November 5, 2021. (Poster Presentation)
162. Morrison, DG on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “A Randomized Trial of Partial Prism Correction for Children with Intermittent Exotropia.” American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 13, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
163. Hubbard, GB on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Very Low-Dose Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity: Recurrences, Additional Treatments, and 12-Month Outcomes.” American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 13, 2021. (Oral Presentation)
164. Wallace, DK on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Two-year Ocular and Developmental Outcomes of a Phase 1 Dosing Study of Bevacizumab for Retinopathy of Prematurity” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, March 24, 2022. (Oral Presentation)
165. De Alba Campomanes, AG on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Myopic Shift Over Five Years Following Pediatric Lensectomy with Primary IOL Implantation” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, March 26,2022. (Oral Presentation)
166. Galvin, J on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Risk of Complications within Five Years of Primary Intraocular Lens (IOL) Surgery for Pediatric Cataract” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, March 26, 2022. (Poster Presentation)
167. Bothun, ED on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Risk of Developing Glaucoma-Related Adverse Event within Five Years Following Pediatric Cataract Surgery” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, March 26, 2022. (Oral Presentation)
168. Lorenzana, IJ on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. "Relationships Among Clinical Factors and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures of Symptoms and Quality of Life in Adults with Convergence Insufficiency.” Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 4,2022. (Poster Presentation)
169. Chen, AM on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Three-Year Change in Refractive Error Associated with Overminus Lens Treatment for Children with Intermittent Exotropia.” Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 4, 2022. (Poster Presentation)
170. Donahue, SD on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Bilateral Lateral Rectus Muscle Recessions Versus Recess-Resect for Childhood Intermittent Exotropia (IXT): 8-year Outcomes.” Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 3, 2022. (Oral Presentation)
171. Wang, SX on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Outcomes of Secondary IOL implantation for Pediatric Aphakia.” American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October2, 2022. (Poster Discussion Presentation)
172. Haider, KM on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Visual Acuity Outcomes and Complications Five Years after Lensectomy for Unilateral Cataract associated with Persistent Fetal Vasculature.” American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October27, 2022. (Poster Presentation)
173. Wang, SX on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Outcomes of Secondary IOL implantation for Pediatric Aphakia.” American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October27, 2022. (Oral Presentation)
174. Lee, KA on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Frequency and Type of Strabismus 5 Years Following Lensectomy for Pediatric Cataract” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, March 30, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
175. Repka, MX on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Factors Associated with Visual Acuity 5 Years Following Lensectomy for Infantile Cataract” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, March 30, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
176. Donahue, SP on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Reoperation after unilateral recess-resect versus bilateral lateral rectus recessions for intermittent exotropia in a randomized clinical trial” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, April 1, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
177. Stahl, ED on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Visual Outcomes and Complications over 5 years following Lensectomy for Traumatic Cataract in Children.” Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 26, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
178. Bothun, ED on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Stability of Astigmatism following Lensectomy for Pediatric Cataract.” Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 26, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
179. Holmes, JM on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Dose of medial rectus recessions for adult divergence insufficiency-type esotropia.” Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 27, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
180. Weise, KK on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Factors Associated with Myopia Progression and Axial Elongation in Children.” American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 12, 2023. (Poster Presentation)
181. Raghuram, A. on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Accommodative Amplitude, Accuracy, and Variability by Nott Retinoscopy in Children with Amblyopia.” American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 12, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
182. Roberts, TL. on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Accommodative Behavior in Children With and Without Amblyopia.” American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 12, 2023. (Oral Presentation)
183. Repka, MX on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Factors Associated with Myopia Progression in Children 5 to 12 Years of Age.” American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, November 5, 2023. (Poster Theater Presentation).
184. Raghuram, A. on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Validity of Accommodative Amplitude and Accuracy by Nott Dynamic Retinoscopy in Children with Amblyopia.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 8,2024. (Poster Presentation)
185. Roberts, TL. on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Accommodation in Children With and Without Amblyopia.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 10, 2024. (Poster Presentation)
186. De Alba Campomanes, AG. On behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Ophthalmic Outcomes Five Years After Cataract Surgery Among Children with Down Syndrome.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 10, 2024.(Poster Presentation)
187. Crouch, ER. On behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Association of initial post-op alignment with long-term outcome when performing surgery for intermittent exotropia.” American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, April 10, 2024. (Paper Presentation)
188. Erzurum, SA. on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Treatments for Chalazia in Children 4 to <18 Years of Age.” American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October18, 2024. (Poster Presentation)
189. Waters, AL. on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Treatments for a Chalazion in Children 4 to <18 Years of Age.” American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 7, 2024. (Poster Presentation)
190. Roberts, TL. on behalf of the Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. “Associations between Accommodative Behavior, Age, and Visual Acuity in Children with and without Amblyopia.” American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, November 7, 2024. (Poster Presentation)