ProtocolProtocol DescriptionStatusStart DateEnd DateClinical Trial IDDetailsPublic Dataset
ATS19ATS19 - Excimer Laser Surgery for Anisometropic AmblyopiaClosed  NCT03342235  View  
CEOSCEOS - Congenital Esotropia Observation StudyClosed12/01/1997 12/01/2000 NCT00000163  View  
ATS1ATS01 - Occlusion versus Pharmacologic Therapy for Moderate AmblyopiaClosed04/25/1999 04/01/2001 NCT00000170  View  Download
ATS1-ExtATS01-Ext - Long Term Follow Up of Amblyopia Treatment (Extension Study)Closed04/25/1999 04/30/2001 NCT00000170  View  
ATS2BATS02B - A Randomized Trial Comparing Part-time Versus Minimal-time Patching for Moderate AmblyopiaClosed05/07/2001 09/01/2002 NCT00094679  View  Download
ATS2AATS02A - A Randomized Trial Comparing Part-time Versus Full-time Patching for Severe AmblyopiaClosed05/08/2001 08/01/2003 NCT00094744  View  Download
ATS2CATS02C - An Observational Study on Recurrence of Amblyopia After Discontinuation of TreatmentClosed05/12/2001 11/30/2003 N/A  View  
ATS4ATS04 - A Randomized Trial Comparing Daily Atropine Versus Weekend Atropine for Moderate AmblyopiaClosed06/03/2002 12/31/2003 NCT00094614  View  
ATS3ATS03 - An Evaluation of Treatment of Amblyopia in 7 to <18 Year OldsClosed10/22/2002 02/28/2006 NCT00094692  View  Download
ATS05ATS05 - A Randomized Trial to Evaluate 2 Hours of Daily Patching for Amblyopia in Children 3 to <7 Years OldClosed12/31/2003 12/19/2005 NCT00091923  View  Download
ETS01ETS1 - An Observational Study of Infantile, Acquired Non-accommodative, and Acquired Partially-accommodative EsotropiaClosed06/02/2004 06/23/2008 NCT00310960  View  Download
ATS07ATS07 - Bilateral Refractive Amblyopia Treatment Study: Response to Treatment of Previously Untreated Presumed Bilateral Refractive AmblyopiaClosed08/02/2004 10/10/2006 NCT00305955  View  Download
ATS08ATS08 - A Randomized Trial Comparing Atropine to Atropine plus a Plano Lens for the Sound Eye as Prescribed Treatments for Amblyopia in Children 3 to < 7 Years OldClosed02/01/2005 01/29/2008 NCT00315302  View  Download
ATS06ATS06 - A Randomized Trial of Near versus Distance Activities while Patching for Amblyopia in Children 3 to < 7 years oldClosed02/01/2005 10/26/2007 NCT00315198  View  Download
NLD01NLD1 - A Prospective Study of Primary Surgical Treatment of Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction in Children Less Than Four Years OldClosed02/01/2005 09/30/2006 NCT00315289  View  Download
NLD02NLD2 - A Prospective Study of Surgical Procedures for the Treatment of Persistent Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction in Children Less Than Four Years OldClosed02/01/2005 02/22/2008 NCT00315315  View  Download
COM02COMET2 - A Randomized Trial of the Effect of Progressive Addition Lenses Versus Single Vision Lenses on Low Myopia Associated with Large Accommodative Lags and Near Esophoria in ChildrenClosed04/01/2005 03/31/2010 NCT00320593  View  Download
ATS09ATS09 - A Randomized Trial Comparing Patching to Atropine for Amblyopia in Children 7 to < 13 Years OldClosed08/24/2005 12/18/2007 NCT00315328  View  Download
X01X01 - Correction of Refractive Error for Amblyopia ProtocolClosed01/01/2006 12/31/2013 N/A  View  
A11ATS11 - A Randomized Trial to Evaluate Combined Patching-Atropine Treatment for Residual AmblyopiaClosed01/01/2007 06/02/2009 NCT00506675  View  Download
A10ATS10 - A Randomized Trial of Full-time Bangerter Filters versus Part-time Daily Patching for the Treatment of Moderate Amblyopia in ChildrenClosed11/09/2007 07/31/2008 NCT00525174  View  Download
A12ATS12 - A Randomized Trial Comparing Patching with Active Vision Therapy to Patching with Control Vision Therapy as Treatment for Amblyopia in Children 7 to <13 Years OldClosed04/01/2008 03/03/2009 NCT00587171  View  Download
ATS13ATS13 - An Observational Study of Optical Correction for Strabismic Amblyopia in Children 3 to <7 Years OldClosed05/01/2008 12/02/2010 NCT00669539  View  Download
CCTSCCTS - A Prospective Study of Central Corneal Thickness in Children Less than 18 Years OldClosed06/02/2008 10/13/2009 N/A  View  Download
NLD03NLD3 - A Randomized Trial Comparing Immediate Probing in an Office Setting with Deferred Probing in a Facility Setting for Treatment of Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction in Children 6 to <10 Months OldClosed10/29/2008 08/31/2011 NCT00780741  View  Download
ATS14ATS14 - A Pilot Study to Evaluate Levodopa as Treatment for Residual Amblyopia in 8 to 17 Year OldsClosed12/18/2008 05/15/2009 NCT00789672  View  Download
ATS15ATS15 - Increasing Patching for Amblyopia StudyClosed08/05/2009 03/01/2013 NCT00945100  View  Download
ATS16ATS16 - Augmenting Atropine Treatment for Amblyopia StudyClosed08/05/2009 08/31/2013 NCT00944710  View  Download
IXT2IXT2 - A Randomized Clinical Trial of Observation versus Occlusion Therapy for Intermittent ExotropiaClosed01/13/2010 09/30/2012 NCT01032330  View  Download
IXT1IXT1 - A Randomized Trial of Bilateral Lateral Rectus Recession versus Unilateral Lateral Rectus Recession with Medial Rectus Resection for Intermittent ExotropiaClosed06/03/2010 02/09/2017 NCT01032603  View  Download
ATS17ATS17 - A Randomized Trial of Levodopa as Treatment for Residual AmblyopiaClosed09/01/2010 10/31/2013 NCT01190813  View  Download
HTS1HTS1 - Glasses versus Observation for Moderate Hyperopia in Young ChildrenClosed02/23/2012 09/22/2017 NCT01515475  View  Download
C02C02 - Pediatric Cataract Surgery Outcomes RegistryClosed05/01/2012 04/01/2015 N/A  View  
CITSCITS - Effectiveness of Home-Based Therapy for Symptomatic Convergence InsufficiencyClosed06/13/2012 09/01/2014 NCT01515943  View  Download
E02E02 - Data Collection for Esotropia Treated with Botulinum Toxin-A InjectionClosed04/17/2013 04/30/2014 N/A  View  Download
ATS18ATS18 - Study of Binocular Computer Activities for Treatment of AmblyopiaClosed09/15/2014 05/02/2016 NCT02200211  View  Download
IXT3IXT3 - A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial of Overminus Spectacle Therapy for Intermittent ExotropiaClosed12/02/2014 05/15/2015 NCT02223650  View  Download
ROP1ROP1 - Phase 1 Trial of Bevacizumab Treatment for Severe Retinopathy of PrematurityClosed04/28/2015 05/11/2021 NCT02390531  View  
IXT1ExtIXT1Ext - Extended Follow Up of a Randomized Trial of Bilateral Lateral Rectus Recession versus Unilateral Lateral Rectus Recession with Medial Rectus Resection for Intermittent ExotropiaClosed05/27/2015 02/18/2022 NCT01032603  View  
SAS1SAS1 - A Prospective Observational Study of Adult CI, DI, and Small-angle HTClosed08/17/2015 12/31/2017 NCT02510040  View  
PON1PON1 - Pediatric Optic Neuritis Prospective Outcomes StudyClosed07/01/2016  N/A  View  
IXT5IXT5 - A Randomized Clinical Trial of Overminus Spectacle Therapy for Intermittent ExotropiaClosed12/19/2016 02/15/2022 NCT02807350  View  Download
ATS20ATS20 - Binocular Dig Rush Game Treatment for AmblyopiaClosed02/15/2017 07/10/2020 NCT02983552  View  
MTS1MTS1 - Low-Dose Atropine for Prevention of MyopiaClosed06/01/2018 09/12/2022 NCT03334253  View  Download
ATS21Evaluation of Accommodative Behavior in Children With and Without AmblyopiaClosed10/12/2018 11/01/2022 N/A  View  
X03A Pilot Study of Identifying Chalazia by PhotographsClosed04/01/2019 11/06/2019 N/A  View  
IXT6A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial of Base-in Prism Spectacles for Intermittent ExotropiaClosed08/27/2019 07/30/2020 NCT03998670  View  
ATS22A Randomized Trial to Evaluate Sequential vs Simultaneous Spectacles plus PatchingRecruiting12/08/2020  NCT04378790  View  
ROP3Compare low-dose bevacizumab (0.063 mg) vs laser for infants with type 1 ROPClosed10/14/2021 08/14/2023 NCT04634604  View  
ROP4Bevacizumab Treatment for Type 1 Retinopathy of PrematurityRecruiting10/14/2021  NCT04634578  View  
X06Multicenter, validity and reliability study of home visual acuity testingClosed03/30/2022  N/A  View  
IXT7Randomized Trial of Full-Time Occlusion Therapy for Intermittent Exotropia in ChildrenRecruiting10/12/2022  NCT05462821  View  
ETS3Randomized Trial of Bifocal Spectacles vs. Single Vision Spectacles for Esotropia Greater at NearClosed11/01/2022  NCT05527015  View  
ATS23A Randomized Trial of Dichoptic Treatment for Amblyopia in Children 4 to 7 Years of AgeRecruiting07/11/2024  NCT06380517  View  
ATS24A Randomized Trial of Dichoptic Treatment for Amblyopia in Children 8 to 12 Years of AgeUpcoming09/01/2025  NCT06524882  View