Protocol: X01 - Correction of Refractive Error for Amblyopia Protocol
Status: Closed
Start Date: 01/01/2006
End Date: 12/31/2013
Clinical Trial ID: N/A
Public Dataset:  

Correction of Refractive Error for Amblyopia Protocol



The Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (PEDIG) is conducting a series of clinical trials of children with amblyopia. Prior to enrollment into one of the trials, it is necessary for the child’s refractive error to be corrected with spectacles. The purpose of this protocol is to provide the requisite spectacles when refractive error has not already been appropriately corrected and then to follow the child according to the investigator’s usual routine until visual acuity is stable. At that time, if amblyopia is still present, the child’s eligibility for an amblyopia treatment protocol will be assessed.

