Protocol: ATS12 - A Randomized Trial Comparing Patching with Active Vision Therapy to Patching with Control Vision Therapy as Treatment for Amblyopia in Children 7 to <13 Years Old
Status: Closed
Start Date: 04/01/2008
End Date: 03/03/2009
Clinical Trial ID: NCT00587171
Public Dataset:  Download

A Randomized Trial Comparing Patching with Active Vision Therapy to Patching with Control Vision Therapy as Treatment for Amblyopia in Children 7 to < 13 Years Old


In-Office Vision Therapy Manual of Procedures

In-Office Control Therapy Manual of Procedures


To compare the effectiveness of patching combined with active vision therapy plus near activities versus patching combined with control vision therapy plus near activities for moderate amblyopia (20/40-20/100) in 7 to <13 year olds.

 Published Manuscripts:

  1. Lyon DW, Hopkins K, Chu RH, et al. Feasibility of a clinical trial of vision therapy for treatment of amblyopia. Optom Vis Sci. 2013;90(5):475-481.
