Protocol: ATS16 - Augmenting Atropine Treatment for Amblyopia Study
Status: Closed
Start Date: 08/05/2009
End Date: 08/31/2013
Clinical Trial ID: NCT00944710
Public Dataset:  Download

Augmenting Atropine Treatment for Amblyopia Study


This study is designed to evaluate the effectiveness of adding a plano lens to weekend atropine after visual acuity has stabilized with weekend atropine but amblyopia is still present. Children ages 3 to <8 years with visual acuity of 20/50 to 20/400 in the amblyopic eye will be enrolled in a run-in phase with weekend atropine until no improvement, followed by randomization of eligible patients to weekend atropine treatment with a plano lens over the sound eye versus without a plano lens over the sound eye. The primary objective is to determine if adding a plano lens to weekend atropine will improve visual acuity in patients with amblyopia still present after visual acuity has stabilized with initial treatment.


  1. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. A randomized trial of adding a plano lens to atropine for amblyopia. J AAPOS. Feb 2015;19(1):42-48.

