Protocol: CEOS - Congenital Esotropia Observation Study
Status: Closed
Start Date: 12/01/1997
End Date: 12/01/2000
Clinical Trial ID: NCT00000163
Public Dataset:  

Congenital Esotropia Observation Study


To observe the early course of congenital esotropia in order to determine the probability of spontaneous resolution and to try to correlate this finding with various aspects of the esotropia such as the (1) size of the esotropia, (2) variability, and (3) presence of hyperopia.

Study Progress:
175 infants less than 5-months of age were enrolled by 104 sites.

Early-onset esotropia resolved in 27% of the 170 infants available for follow-up. Resolution was more common when the esotropia was <40 pd and was intermittent or variable. Cases with a constant deviation >40 pd, presenting after 10 weeks of age, and associated with < 3 diopters of hypermetropia, had a low likelihood of spontaneous resolution.



  1. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. The clinical spectrum of early-onset esotropia: experience of the Congenital Esotropia Observational Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2002;133:102-8.
  2. Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group. Spontaneous resolution of early-onset esotropia: experience of the Congenital Esotropia Observational Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2002;133:109-18.

